So your website is getting a little boring, you haven’t changed things up in a few weeks and you go to Google images to add a few new pictures to your website. You can do that, right? Wrong.
Types of stock images
There are 2 types of stock images: royalty-free and rights-managed. Once a license fee is paid for a royalty-free image it can be used an unlimited amount of times without paying any royalties. The initial license is necessary, however. With rights-managed images, your right to use the image is usually restricted on things such as duration of use, geographic region, industry, etc. as the license agreement states.
Copyright is a form of protection provided by law to the authors of “original works of authorship” and is upheld in all 50 states. Copyright applies to all images from the time it is created it is protected by copyright.
Copyright infringement can include use of whole or part of an image without permission, use beyond the scope of a license without permission, adapting an image without permission, having a photographer recreate an identical image.
Copyright infringement can result in a variety of penalties such as monetary damages, lawsuits, and even criminal charges. Responsible parties may include the party that infringed (photographer or person who stole the image), employees or others who participated, anyone who published the infringing image (with or without knowledge that it was infringement), and anyone who authorized or encouraged infringement.
How do they find infringed images?
A new technology enables copyright owners to identify unlicensed imagery and take action to protect their rights. Imagery can be tracked and found in use, even if it has been altered, recreated, or only used part of the image.
Google images are free, right?
Simply because images are on the internet does not mean they can be used without permission. Google images are not “in the public domain” and therefore you must use the appropriate license to use any images.
How do you get photos?
Go to a website such as and purchase credits to purchase the rights to photos.
How do you get custom images?
Hire a graphic designer or photographer to create original images. Have something in mind? Tell a professional who can create it but never recreate an image you saw and don’t have the rights to.
For your graphic design needs, go to or call (954) 441-1049 today.
Rebecca Hunter