Online shopping has many advantages for consumers. It is fast, convenient, and many times it will save them money. However, the one downside is that customers can’t always get an idea of what the product really looks like from just a standard photo.
Human beings are hardwired to perceive our environment in 360 degrees. Unfortunately, and until recently, we have been limited by flat, 2D media. The big trend towards 360 product photography is changing all of that.
What is 360 product photography?
Generally speaking, 360 photography is not new. All you have to do is go to Google Street View to see it in action. Yet, the technology was costly and not readily available, especially for smaller, mom-and-pop type retailers.
Over the last few years, the photographic industry has gone through a dramatic technological transformation, both in terms of hardware or software. The digital revolution is making 360 product photography a must-have trend.
So, 360 product photography will allow your customers to view products from every conceivable angle. This brings with it much greater product transparency, making these images a great addition to existing static photos. It is the ideal solution for e-commerce and your online shop, providing enhanced product display.
Advantages of 360 product photography
Very likely, your number one question at this point is, “How will 360 product photography beneficial my online store?”
1. Upgraded Product Display – Even if you provide photos from all sides, a potential buyer still does not have the full picture of the product.
2. Increased Engagement – Rather than scrolling through images, a consumer can actually interact with the product using 360 photography.
3. Enhanced Product Transparency – Through 360 product photography, customers are given a more accurate understanding of the product.
4. Improved Conversion Rates – Customers are more likely to buy when they are confident of a product’s appearance, key details, and features.
5. Reduced Product Return Rate – Being able to rotate the product prior to purchase means more confidence and less buyer’s remorse.
What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like more information about 360 product photography or a related topic, please contact us.