Website development can be extremely intimidating.There is a lot to consider and website visitors are increasingly demanding. In addition to user expectations and experience, a website design must consider a company’s goals, website structure, content creation, and more.
In other words, there are a lot of moving parts and a lot that can go wrong. This isn’t said to intimidate you, but more to inform you how important it is to be prepared and have a game plan.
Within seconds of landing on a website, visitors should clearly understand what a company does. They should be able to easily navigate to the company’s blog, products, and other information they are looking for. Also, the website should have a layout that is easy to understand.
With that in mind, below are our top 5 tips for planning website development:
1. Set Reasonable Expectations – It is critical to understand the value of a website to a business. What is the website’s actual purpose? How will the website’s success be measured?
2. Define the Website’s Goals – A website without a single, prime goal will have difficulty becoming successful. Is the goal to bring in sales? How many sales is minimally needed? How many sales are actually achievable?
3. Place the Audience First – A visitor is coming to a website to solve a problem. So, it is important to let the target audience know what is in it for them. Therefore, the website’s goal and messaging must be clear.
4. Content Is Paramount – A great looking website cannot replace good content. Content is what will drive user engagement and action. Aesthetics should never be placed before function. Products should stand out, not blend into the rest of the website.
5. Follow Web Standards – The prime reason web standards are important is that online users have become accustomed to them. Your visitors should not have to learn a new design to navigate your website. Use what visitors already understand.