Social media marketing is a tough arena, especially for many small and local businesses. It is such a fast paced environment that owners and entrepreneurs struggle to adopt and adapt strategies and tactics. Regardless, we are at a time when all business is social. Even the soberest and steadiest institutions are being pulled into social media. Customers, clients, patients, and constituents are expecting and demanding greater and more direct access.
All that said, using content and social media marketing will have many advantages for a small or local business. It can dramatically grow and improve your audience and customers. However, if you don’t have the knowledge or experience, getting off the ground is often difficult and frustrating. It is essential you grasp the fundamentals of social media marketing. With this in mind, today, we are showing the basic laws of social media marketing. By incorporating this system of rules, you will maximize the quality of your online footprint and marketing tactics.
5 Rules of Social Media Marketing
- Relationships – The nature of social media is explained in the name. At its very core, the most fundamental aspect of social media is social relationships. When making decisions about your online actions and reactions, always consider how it could strengthen or weaken your relationships.
- Sharing – When creating content, think about what people want to share. Moreover, think about what you want to share. If the content is not something you would “like”, comment on, or repost then it is unlikely that your audience or customers will.
- Listen – Social media success requires more responding and engaging and less selling. Therefore, listen to what your target audience and customers are talking about on their profiles and feeds. Understand their needs and what is important to them. You will then have the insight to create the content they will respond to.
- Targeting – Social media is a very noisy place, and everyone is trying to grab people’s attention. The best way to break through is by focusing on your target audience and ideal customer. This way you can create more powerful content and stronger messaging designed to grab their attention.
- Educate and Entertain – Social media is about finding information and entertainment. People do not want to see marketing or be sold to. Moreover, don’t be afraid to give away your knowledge for free. Even McDonald’s creates YouTube videos on how to make Egg McMuffins and Big Macs at home.
Answering people’s questions will build trust and spread your content. What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk about social media marketing, or related topics, please contact us.