Social media continues to show a strong attraction for followers and form of promoting a company. Websites such as Facebook, YouTube, Myspace, twitter, and Linkedin have become the top forms of communication for the world with such ease. In past studies, it has shown that companies are now making approximately 70% of their revenue through online transactions. In fact, some major retail stores such as Best Buy and Office Depot have closed down some of their locations due to their dramatic increase of online transitions and being able to focus on the most visited stores. That being said, the demand for social media experts has increased and continues to increase as these experts are being in charge of bringing traffic to a company.
Social media experts need to understand the necessity of the customer, what’s in high demand, and what new trends are coming into the market that will influence the company’s business. These experts are also recognized for their strong analytical skills because of their abilities of depicting trends within the social media industry and delivering that to decision makers. Besides having a good understanding of social media, this job also comes with having to study competitors and what changes are being applied in other companies to increase their traffic. They must understand why a company has increased their inflow or vice-versa has decreased their traffic flow.
It’s crucial to understand what the competition is doing at all times and what possible changes they might be planning on implementing into the company, staying on top of what’s going around will help to retain customers and giving them the latest technology or services without allowing them to have to go somewhere else because you can’t offer what they need or want.
With coming years, social media will only continue to evolve and will continue to increase its followers. What does this mean to businesses? This means an increase of online transactions and also means that they must maintain strong social media experts to maintain high traffic flow at all times. As we see these trends continue to grow, business must understand that social media will become extremely competitive and frequent changes will be required to stay on top of the chain.
If social media experts want to remain in high demand, they will need to continue to expand their expertise on strategic planning. Strategic planning will allow them to full comprehend on what the company can offer and how the customer is evolving based on their needs. It is thought that these experts will become part of the decision making staff within a company due to their understanding of the company and the company’s customers. If studies turnout to be accurate, stores will continue to close down and will increase their demand for social media experts in assistants for their online operations.