Our society’s reliance on technology brings a world of excitement and advancement that people could have never imagined in the past, however when you depend on on something that isn’t reliable 100% of the time you need a plan B in case something happens. Imagine this…your company (small or large) saves all of their important files, contracts and emails but doesn’t back them up. A fire, flood, power failure, hardware failure, or human error (yes they do happen) occurs and just like that EVERYTHING is gone as if it were never there.
According to the London Chamber of Commerce, 90% of all companies that undergo a major data loss go out of business within 2 years. A survey of small and medium sized businesses by Rubicon Consulting rated backup as their second highest computing priority, after defense against viruses and ahead of reducing costs. However, one-third of the companies surveyed do nothing to back up their data. The survey also found that of the companies that have some form of backup, half of them have lost data. Of those who lost data, about one-third lost sales, one-fifth lost customers, and one-fourth indicated the data loss caused “severe disruptions” to the company.
According to the International Data Corporation, less than 40% of all medium sized businesses have a sufficient and routine backup of their data. The consequences of not having a backup and losing data includes lost revenue, lost market share, and lost customer confidence. In order to avoid these harmful repercussions, companies should have backups.
Companies should have at least two forms of back up, regularly backed up and tested. Research from the U.S. Department of Trade and Industry found that 34% of companies never test their backups and 77% of those who tested them revealed failed backups before they were needed. One form of backup is on a cloud such as IBackup and another is a physical backup on an external hard drive. IBackup is an integrated online backup and storage service that schedules automatic backups for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS/Android, servers and multiple accounts. Contact Motionborg today at motionborg.net or call us at (954) 441-1049 for more information about backing up your company’s data before it’s too late.
Rebecca Hunter