More than half of businesses have a running website, which tells us that a large portion of today’s business is done online. Search engine marketing (SEM) has become extremely crucial as the first thing a client usually does prior to considering calling or doing business with a company is look at their website. Online credibility is the next step of building up relationships nowadays and it’s important for business owners to constantly find ways to bring traffic in. One great way of building online marketing relationships is becoming a Google certified partner. What exactly is Google certified partner and how do I benefit you might ask.
Being a Google certified partner means that you are trusted by Google as a company, and if you’re trusted by them why shouldn’t others trust your company too. There are thousands of Google followers and what great way of becoming part of that group that many follow. Although it sounds awesome of becoming a partner, it’s not easy being a trusted company by one of the largest companies in the world. In order to be trusted there must be shown activity by the company and show consistency of utilizing all the right tools.
An extremely important tool when having an online site is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO refinements allow your customers to find you online and do the comparison with your competition. Because there is aggressive competition out in the market nowadays, knowing what and how to place your company on the number one page of Google will significantly impact traffic and traffic means business. In order to be considered a Google partner the applying company is required to have a suitable quality score (QS). With the right marketing and the use of tools properly, will allow you to move to the next step of becoming a Google partner.
Once all tools are properly applied, becoming a Google partner will embrace the credibility of the company. After successfully earning the right of partnership, your company is granted with a Google badge that could be placed on the landing page of the business with certain placement requirements.
Seeing the impact a Google badge could have towards a business, would you now consider and want to be the number listing of the largest search engine in the world? Of course, but using all tools at once properly cannot be emphasized enough to make something like this happen.
Motionborg is here to help with your needs of web design, SEO, graphic design, and any website maintenance. We guarantee that our efforts will place you a step closer to becoming a certified Google partner.
Contact us today and see how Motionborg can apply all these tools simultaneously to significantly impact your business! Consultations are FREE!
by Benjamin C Ramirez