1. Not showing up
The biggest mistake you can make with your business is not being on social media in the first place. Americans on average spend 37 minutes a day on social media, higher than any other major Internet activity, including email. However, if you show up, then make your presence known by putting effort into your pages. Content is vital, but users won’t get to your content if they see an unattractive page. Consider getting custom social media designs to attract users to your page and content writers to keep them.
2. Too many sites
There is no need to be on every social media site. Do some research. Find the most popular social media sites for your business. Focus on 3. Facebook is a must with its 1.28 billion users. Google+ is now the second largest social network. LinkedIn is the largest professional business network with 200 million users and 2.7 million business pages. LinkedIn is continuing to grow but not at the pace of Pinterest, Google+ or Twitter. Pinterest is the fastest growing social network with a growth rate of 88% in 2013. Twitter dominates with 241 million monthly active users, 184 million of those on mobile devices.
3. Quantity over quality
Don’t tell yourself I’m going to post EVERY DAY, instead try telling yourself I’m going to post quality content every time I post. It is not the number of posts that count, it’s the value of the posts. Try posting a well thought out blog every two or three days vs posting a picture or quote or depthless blog every day. The results may surprise you.
4. Inconsistent
Last week you posted on Facebook, this week you’re posting on Twitter, next week it’s LinkedIn. You cannot be inconsistent. Users will notice. Posting every day for a week and then nothing for two weeks is noticeable and will cost you. Sounding professional one day and personable the next will put a haze around your brand that customers won’t want to figure out. Be consistent with your posts and what you say in your posts.
5. Talking more than listening
The whole point of social media is being social. Listen to what users have to say. Look at what your customers pay attention to and post. Respond to comments. Don’t, I repeat don’t, delete comments. If someone has a negative comment, rather than avoid it, address it, it looks better than deleting it and having it bite you in the behind. When someone has a positive comment or a question, respond in a timely manner and be thoughtful. Social media is a conversation. It is a two way street and you will have no traffic if you close off one side.
6. Thinking sales = likes
Companies will set goals like “1000 Facebook likes” and call it a day. Getting attention on social media is great, that’s the goal right? Wrong. Social media for businesses is all about getting customers. Getting a certain number of likes will probably not translate to a certain number of sales. Likes do not equal sales so don’t make them your only goal.
7. Overambitious goals
Speaking of goals, control yours. You just created your company’s Facebook page and you want 100,000 likes by the end of the week without spending any money? Try 100.
8. Treating every site the same
If you are active on social media sites you will understand that Instagram isn’t for essays and Facebook really isn’t for recipes or how-to’s. Become familiar with the sites before you begin posting on them. Don’t use Pinterest and Instagram if you are only posting blogs, people don’t want a blog on Insta, they want pretty pictures, there’s a difference.
9. Boring
If you aren’t being enthusiastic on social media sites, you may as well not be on them. In fact, it probably hurts your company to be known as the “boring” company. We all remember when Mom used to say “If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” Well, if you have nothing enthusiastic or entertaining to post then don’t post anything at all. Put time and effort into your social media posts, it will hurt you if you don’t.
10. Make it and forget it
The worst thing to see is that a company made a page and never posted on it. That is probably worse than finding no page for a company. Don’t make 15 social media pages and never go back to them. Pick a few sites to focus on; don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Thinking about setting up social media accounts for your business? Want custom designs for your pages? Need a content writer to spice up your posts? Motionborg is your one stop IT solution. Visit motionborg.net to find out more information or call (954) 441-1049 today to speak to a professional representative.
Rebecca Hunter