There are so many different types of website hosting, it is easy for a person to become confused. Should your company choose shared hosting, a virtual server (or VPS), a dedicated server, or cloud hosting? Today’s article will discuss some of the basic differences between the various types of web hosting.
Shared Hosting
Shared hosting tends to be the most common and popular form of website hosting. The two prime reasons are that it is generally inexpensive and most people don’t need anything more. However, you are sharing resources with other websites. You can think of it like sharing an apartment with friends. That said, sharing resources can impact your website speed and usability. Nevertheless, it is a good option for most website owners. The biggest shortcoming is you do not have complete control over server performance.
Virtual Servers (VPN)
With a virtual server, you are still sharing resources, but a lot less of it. It is more like owning a condo than sharing an apartment. For example, you both share CPU time and memory and have a chunk allotted for your exclusive use. Regardless, it is a step up from shared hosting, usually providing more power, better performance, and faster website load times.
Dedicated Servers
Using our analogy, a dedicated server is much like owning a single-family home. All of the resources are yours and none of the CPU time and memory is shared with anyone else. This is because no other accounts are on your hosting. However, the price for a dedicated server can range from $50 to $800 per month. The cost provides you with great performance and full control over the server.
Cloud Hosting
Could hosting is an amazing option. While you are technically sharing resources, you get the benefits of a dedicated server. This is because cloud hosting is scalable. Essentially, you only pay for what you need, when you need it. So, if a video or blog post goes viral, tripling your traffic within one specific month, cloud hosting will adapt to compensate for the added load, keeping your website running at peak performance.